Market Management Intelligence Solutions


Market Management Intelligence Solutions

Market Management Intelligence Solutions

Innomis Market Management Intelligence® solutions support market information and decision processes in market-related management functions.

Anytime and anywhere in three scalable solution models. Provided as managed cloud service and designed to manage markets better with measurable objectives and key results in One Space®.

Markets Better

Data Space

Innomis Data Space® Solutions makes market driving factors and processes measurable and understandable with dynamic and large data sets. Worldwide on a global level, and continuously by time, region, industry and product. All data is integrated within a comprehensive market management intelligence model and transformed into analytical insights. More…

Markets Better

Market Intelligence

With data-driven market models, Innomis Market Intelligence Solutions deliver comprehensive analytics, continuous forecasts and actionable insights. Solutions are available for industrial and export markets in Europe and worldwide. Embedded in market management processes, a market intelligence solution delivers actionable intelligence for informed decisions, anytime anywhere. More…

Markets Better

Management Intelligence

A Management Intelligence Solution delivers measurable objectives and key results for intelligent actions in a 360° Market Management Intelligence® process. It is based on integrated market, sales and planning data, and designed to make market management smart. Through the continuous improvement of market impact processes as a sustainable competitive advantage. More…